Stephen Steen

Startups, sales, and engineer in Columbus, Ohio

Faith. Husband. Father. Technology. Lover of Coffee. #adoption #faith #fostercare #startups #investing

I love startups and the innovation startups cultivate, forcing change. OTC consultant. Weird mix of executive, engineer, and finance. Strong background in data systems, analytics, control systems, energy, automotive, heavy machinery, supply chain, and misc others. Passionate about adoption/fostercare, coffee, early stage growth, wearing many hats, and building a company!

  • Work
    • Poseidon Systems
  • Education
    • University of Toledo
    • Colorado State University
Stephen believes in technology's ability to create value for the world, and has a realistic vision of how that should occur. His principled approach to sales and business strategy enables virtuous cycles that drive innovation at Sentient Science. He is a strong role model with a rare talent; a mix of 10x engineer with a strong desire to win, and total inability to compromise on what's important to deliver value.
From time to time an individual of great Character crosses your path, one who is both highly competent and credible; Stephen Steen is one of those individuals. I have truly enjoyed working with Stephen in both his current and previous roles, and in doing so, great value has been added to both of our organizations… as well as the industry.
Stephen is a very competent Engineer, Program Manager and great leader. I've witnessed Stephen step into messy projects, sort-out and define practical objective, build team consensus, start making progress towards to deliverables.